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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Getting Started!!

Welcome to Owl Shak, where you will find a gambit of information about all natural products from herbs, spices, kratom, teas, and coffee!!  We currently have our Premium Owl Shak kratom for sale in the Owl Shak Shop, and will be adding more and more product as we grow!  For our first blog post I will be discussing kratom from past to present!  So, without further a due, let's get right into it!


You may be asking yourself, "What is kratom?"  or, "I have been thinking about trying kratom, but I'm just unsure..."  Well, here goes...Kratom (scientific name Mitragyna speciosa), is a plant that is indigenous to the wild jungles of Southeastern Asia.  The kratom plant is in the Rubiacae plant family.  Do you know what other plant that is in that same family of plants??  I'll give you one guess...If you guessed COFFEE then you are correct!  That's right, kratom and coffee are in the same plant family!  The natives have chewed kratom leaves and brewed kratom tea for thousands of years saying that it gives them energy for laborous activities, sedative properties for a restful nights sleep and many other said benefits.  

Above is a photo of what the kratom plant looks like.  Here you will find what Wikipedia has to say about kratom.  I also really enjoyed reading all about what Erowid has to say about gets pretty in depth but here it is.  Kratom has recently received some negative publicity in top magazines and on news stations, however, such negativity stems from people's ignorance on the subject.  My goal is not prove kratom is this or that, as it simply is what it is but to inform individuals what it is so that negative thoughts aren't conjured based on lack of knowledge.  I hope you enjoyed reading the write up and there will be many, many more to come on all sorts of herbs, spices, kratom, teas, and coffee!  If after reading this article you find the curiosity strong enough to try some kratom for yourself, feel free to visit our Shop and try some for yourself!  Our kratom is as fresh as you can find, as it is imported directly from the country of origin!  
Our Owl Shak Kratom Capsules

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